Tuesday 24 January 2012

#McDs Tweeting backfire

A twitter campaign used by McDonald's to highlight all the 'great' things about them backfired earlier this week as people started using the hash tag #McDs to instead describe and share their horror stories to thousands of others.

Initially a hashtag #MeetTheFarmers was used to praise farmers who worked for McDonalds and their fresh produce.

A lot of love and passion goes into producing the beef for our burgers – evidence shown here: http://t.co/2HnjcC7M#MeetTheFarmers

On January 18l McDonald's sent out 2 tweets with the hashtag '#McStories', in an attempt to highlight the "hard work people" who provide McDonald's with their food.

McDonalds McDonald's"When u make something w/pride, people can taste it," - McD potato supplier #McDStories http://t.co/HaPM5G9F

Although things didn't plan out so smoothly and although the hashtag was only used twice by McDonalds it took on a life of it's own as users began tweeting their disaster stories.

_Scorch_ The Human Scorch#McDStories How the HELL can they be so popular when there's rats running around in their bun packages?

 â™¥ MICHAELAlouise ♥
My brother finding a fake finger nail in his fries.#McDStories

deweymedia paul dewey#McDStories More than half a year since last McTerrible McFattening McMeal. I don't McMiss the McFood McOne McBit.

The tweets documented users describing their horror stories, unemployment stories, vomiting and stomach upset, finding fingernails in their food and more. Not surprisingly, McDonald's Rick Wion said the ad campaign had failed.

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